Healthcare doesn't have to cost a fortune.
It's time to stop paying fine dining rates for fast food quality healthcare service in the insurance-based world. Monthly premiums, office copays, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses: it all adds up to thousands of dollars annually that might not even keep you well.
We're happy to be able to offer common medications in our office which we can dispense to you at wholesale prices. For some members, the savings on prescription medications alone could offset the cost of membership!
Want your prescriptions sent to your favorite local or mail-order pharmacy? We can do that too!
Feeling under the weather? No problem! We have an array of in-office testing services available to assist in diagnosing acute illnesses. We can also draw blood and other fluid samples in our office, and we've been able to negotiate wholesale prices on routine lab studies through Lab Corp.
Prefer to have labs drawn at another lab center? No problem! We'll give you a lab slip with the appropriate diagnosis and let you know when we've got the results back!
If we ever have the need to send a sample to pathology (such as a skin biopsy, or a Pap smear), we've been able to contract with pathology services at a wholesale rate which we're happy to pass on to you. Our markup simply covers the cost of providing this service!
Occasionally, a medical concern necessitates an intervention, and we're happy to be able to perform many procedures in our office. Some procedures for acute concerns are simply included for free as a benefit of membership! Others (typically elective procedures, or those procedures with a higher cost of materials) have a small cost to you to help offset the cost of providing the service. You'll always know up front whether a procedure is included and how much it will be!